Fanny Kiefer Show

Fanny Kiefer Show

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

June 17, 2011 – Julie Lee on The Fanny Kiefer Show promoting unite with art 2011.

Draw Fast, Artists

Draw Fast, Artists

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

From The Vancouver Sun Malcom Parry March 7th, 2010 Vancouver, BC– Curator Julie Lee usually undertakes large arts-related function such as last month’s Unite With Art gala that raised a reported $460,000 for UNICEF Canada’s AIDS-related activities. But she handles smaller projects, too, like Drawing Party 2 that ran at Gallery Jones recently. It kicked […]

It’s art that touches the heart

It’s art that touches the heart

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

From The Province Lynn Mitges June 19, 2008 The summer solstice on Saturday seems like a good time to turn one’s thoughts to humanity via the beauty of art. And there are lots of gorgeous works on tap for the inaugural Unite With Art Auction and Gala. Executive director Julie Lee has pulled together dozens […]

City Life: Art and music rally for three good causes

City Life: Art and music rally for three good causes

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

From The National Post Fred Lee Saturday, June 13th 2009 Yours truly hosted the second annual Unite with Art Auction and Gala to benefit UNICEF Canada’s Unite for Children Unite Against AIDS Campaign. Founded by Alison Lawton and fronted by Unite with Art executive director Julie Lee, it was a spectacular evening for 400 guests. […]

Dust then Nuggets

Dust then Nuggets

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

From The Vancouver Sun Saturday, June 5 2010 Caterer Laura Archangeli gave the Unite With Art gala a prophetic start Thursday by serving chocolate-covered grapes sprinkled with gold dust. Alison Lawton, who chairs the beneficiary, UNICEF Canada’s Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS division, then donated $100,000 and challenged art- auction attendees to match it. […]

24hr Vancouver

24hr Vancouver

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

From 24hr Vancouver June 7, 2010 $427,000 raised! Unite with Art executive director and founder Julie Lee ( middle) with the evening’s emcee, Tara Spencer-Nairn and her sister Kim Spencer-Nairn at her art auction gala benefiting UNICEF’s Unite with Art, Unite against AIDS campaign. Vancouver’s favourite wood artist Brent Comber stands in front of one […]

Feeling United

Feeling United

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

Fred on the town – TV Week June 19, 2010 In a spectacular evening of art and advocacy, Alison Lawton chaired and donated $100,000 to the third annual Unite with Art Gala, founded by Lawton and Julie Lee. Guests including singer Sarah McLachlan packed into Maynards Fine Art and Antiques for the UNICEF Canada benefit […]

Passport – a Kiwi Collection publication

Passport – a Kiwi Collection publication

Posted on Nov 2, 2011 in Press | No Comments

From Passport June 14, 2010 Download PDF

Bravo News – 48 Seconds

Bravo News – 48 Seconds

Posted on Oct 28, 2011 in Press | One Comment

On October 27, 2005, Arthouse Gallery and Susan Standfield produced an innovative art exhibition featuring photographs taken by the children of the SHERP orphanage in Maralal Kenya in collaboration with a distinguished group of contemporary artists from various disciplines. The artists chose photographs to make into an original artwork. As curator I’m thrilled and honoured […]

Kiwi Collection Magazine Article

Kiwi Collection Magazine Article

Posted on Oct 28, 2011 in Press | No Comments

Download PDF