Cultivating Beauty

Posted by on May 17, 2012 in Events | One Comment

Had a blast at last Thursday’s opening of Gabryel Harrison’s new exhibit at Winsor Gallery. I think this is Gabryel’s best floral work to date. The paintings are breathtaking. I highly recommend checking out the show.

May 10 – June 3, 2012, Winsor Gallery.  An exhibition of new paintings and Braille works by Gabryel Harrison.
The Practice of Cultivating Beauty.  here’s the link

The latest exhibition by Gabryel Harrison entitled Learn the Flowers is inspired by the final lines in Gary Snyder’s poem of the same name: stay together, learn the flowers, go light

1 Comment

  1. Sonia Stastny
    May 18, 2012

    Such a gorgeous show! Congratulations, Gabryel! And thank you, Julie, for posting.


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